SYME is more than just a training center, it is a family. Students are provided with many fun avenues of learning outside of traditional English classes.

Western culture night

Twice a term our Western teachers introduce an aspect of their culture to share with our students. Sometimes this even includes making American foods!

activity time

Once a week our students are given an opportunity to get active and play games, sports, and partake in team-building activities alongside their teachers!

Ministry class

A Word of Life Ministry, Pilgrimage Films, has developed a class that accompanies videos they have produced that compare and contrast Taiwanese Religions with Christianity.

fun day

Every term one day is dedicated to getting out of the classroom and experiencing new things together. Sometimes this takes us on scavenger hunts, camping in tents, or even watching a movie in our pajamas together!

on the weekends

Visit Your Home

The weekend is finally here! Students are free to go home and rest until Monday evening. Some students will even invite some of the teachers to their hometown to show them around. This is a great way to practice English and share in community together. Just remember your teachers need to rest sometimes too.


Not everyone wants to go out on crazy adventures each weekend. At times the best weekend involves sitting around and talking on the couch, eating snacks and watching movies.


Another favorite activity is to pull out our in house Karaoke machine for a night of singing, laughter, and food.


Not all your teachers have lived in Taiwan a long time. And some will only be in Taiwan for a few terms. These teachers want to experience Taiwan as much as possible while they are here and they need your help to visit some of your favorite locations.


Many of our teachers like to get out into nature. Taiwan has a lot of great trails and places to trek through rivers. Often many students and teachers will pile into vans for a fun trip into the mountains.

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