SYME offers a diverse curriculum and teaching styles. We expect students to do more than just memorize textbooks but to experience English and Christianity through relationships.

English curriculm


Students have a designated time for reading each day. Each student chooses a book from our selection that they have an interest in and reads it regularly.


After completing one term at SYME, students have spoken in English for 384 hours. Our program is run by English-speaking foreigners that are always available for conversation and practice.


Every Monday we offer an optional grammar class free to our students. The class is offered in Chinese so that our students can have a firm grasp on important grammar topics.

Classes (Lifebooks)

The English textbooks used are from National Geographic and offer a variety of levels that are catered to each student’s specific English ability.

Bible curriculm

First Term

The Reason for Jesus - In this class, students will see the overall picture of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and make note of how Jesus can be seen throughout each story.

Second Term

Israel: The Chosen Nation - Israel is a nation that is mentioned throughout all of Scripture. In this class, students will study the purpose of this nation and the role that it plays in God’s plan.

Third Term

Galatians: How to Study a Book of the Bible - Many people can read the Bible but don’t know how to study on their own. This course walks students step-by-step on how to study a book in-depth and by the end, they will be able to do this on their own with the book of Jude.

Fourth Term

The Bible for Today - Each week of this course focuses on a different real-life topic that students encounter on a daily basis, such as homosexuality, abortion, pornography etc. Students will learn how to take what the Bible says and apply it to each of these controversial topics.


At SYME we have a full schedule for students. Even during the downtime they are interacting with teachers and classmates in English.

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